The Popularity Of Podcasting

The process of using the internet to make recordings of public broadcasts available on a computer or mobile download device is known as podcasting.

Podcasts are a series of digital audio clips of spoken terms that users can access on any device for easy listening. A simple and effective way for many podcast stores to maintain a database for personal use and playback is supported by streaming apps and podcast networks. You can also take help from leading marketing video production company like- Tait Media.

The growth of podcasting over the last five years

Over the past five years, I have attended the Podcast Movement Conference, the largest annual podcast event, and watched the conference grow with the industry, reaching 5,000 attendees by 2020. I believe the podcast industry will grow exponentially this year with hosting and virtual podcasting events!

Podcasts are simply compilations of digitally available audio files for others to listen to when they feel comfortable. Most podcasts are designed as television or radio programs, with several "seasons" and special guest episodes that focus on a variety of topics. Listeners can subscribe to specific podcasts, download new episodes, and listen whenever they want.

While podcasts have been around for nearly 20 years, remember back in 2004 when Apple's iPod mini was very popular and the iTunes music store was just going global. In recent years, listening has increased, which has garnered a lot of attention from business owners, celebrities, advertisers, and customers.