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Scoliosis is a condition in which a person has a side-to-side spinal curves in addition to the normal curves. The most effective drug for this condition is Scoliosis exercise. Although many exercises help in reducing the Scoliosis-related problems, yoga is considered the best Scoliosis exercise. Yoga postures help because they allow us to stretch our bodies.

The most effective yoga exercises for the treatment of scoliosis-related problems include the Crocodile twist, supine chest touches the knees, back and foot arch passive one leg up-one out posture. These exercises are very helpful in raising one's lowered shoulder and reducing the back pain. You can get to know about scoliosis treatment in Singapore via

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Passive back arch scoliosis exercise has been found to assist in not only reducing the pain associated scoliosis-, but also problems associated with a condition called pectus excavatum (sunken chest). Pectus excavatum is generally caused due to tight muscles in the person's chest and back and soft bones in the rib cage and spine.

One leg and one leg out scoliosis exercise has been found to be highly effective in reducing muscle tension in the legs. Seated twist is a good remedy for the treatment of chest touches. This exercise also helps to improve body alignment and simple to perform.

Head to Knee pose helps in maintaining body alignment and straighten the spine. The spine and abdominal twists result in stretching the muscles in the shoulder.