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General engineering is a field of engineering that deals with the design, construction, and operation of systems and structures. It is a broad field that covers a wide range of topics, from the design of bridges and buildings to the development of new materials and technologies.

General engineering in Los Angeles is a great choice for students who are interested in a wide range of engineering disciplines and want to get a well-rounded education. it is also a good choice for students who want to work in a specific field but are not sure which one. There are many different specialties within general engineering, so students can find a focus that suits their interests and skills.

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Some common specialties within general engineering include: civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, environmental engineering, and materials science. Students can also choose to specialize in areas such as aerospace engineering, biomedical engineering, or nuclear engineering. With so many different options available, there is sure to be a specialization that is perfect for every student.

General engineers typically work on projects from start to finish. They may be involved in the planning stages of a project, working with architects and other engineers to develop the initial designs. They may also be responsible for overseeing the construction process, ensuring that the project is built according to the plans. 

There are many different types of engineering, but general engineering is one of the most common and versatile. General engineering is a broad field that includes the design, construction, and operation of systems and structures. It can encompass everything from bridges and buildings to dams and roads.