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The Importance Of A Cancer Screening Test

Cancer screening tests are important because they can help prevent cancer from developing. Some common cancer screening tests include screenings for breast, colon, and prostate cancer. These tests can help doctors find early signs of cancer so that it can be treated more effectively.

Some people choose to have regular cancer screening tests even if they don’t have any symptoms of the disease. This is because there is a small, but real chance of catching the disease early if you have regular screenings. Cancer screenings can also help give people peace of mind about their health. For more details regarding cancer screening tests, you can simply visit


According to the National Cancer Institute, there are five different types of cancer screening tests: breast, cervical, colon, lung, and ovarian. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks. 

Breast cancer screening begins at age 40 by having a mammogram every year. Mammograms can find early signs of breast cancer so that treatment can begin sooner. However, some women may be screened more often than others because their risk for developing breast cancer is higher. 

Cervical cancer screening starts at age 21 by getting a Pap test every three years. A Pap test looks for changes in the cells lining the cervix that may signal cervical cancer. There is no known way to prevent cervical cancer, but early detection is key to surviving it. If you have any abnormal findings from your Pap test, you should see your doctor right away. 

Colon cancer screening starts at age 50 by having a fecal occult blood test (FOBT). FOBTs screen for blood in stool that may be caused by Colon Cancer. The goal of this test is to catch Colon Cancer before it has spread too far or symptoms have developed. It’s important to know that even if your results come back normal, you still need regular screenings because Colons can change over time and develop into Colon Cancer without warning.