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What Is Routine Maintenance For Computers?

Routine maintenance is the simple, everyday task of keeping your computer running smoothly. By following a few simple steps, you can keep your machine performing at its best and prevent any major issues from arising. Firefold Technologies deliver Charlotte’s best routine computer maintenance services that protect your systems from technical threats and issues to maintain high productivity.

1. Backup your data: One of the most important things you can do to keep your computer safe is to regularly backup your data. This means making copies of important files that you can access in case something goes wrong. If you have MacOS or Windows 10 installed on your computer, there are often built-in backup features that will do this for you automatically. If not, there are plenty of free software options available online.

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2. Defragment your hard drive: A cluttered hard drive can cause lots of problems with your computer, from slow performance to error messages appearing on screen. To help alleviate these issues, regularly defragment your drive – this will help organize all the different files and folders on it into smaller chunks, which will speed up both loading times and overall system performance. There are many free defragmenting tools available online.

3. Check for viruses and malware: Another common problem with computers is infection by viruses and malware – which can damage your operating system and steal sensitive information from within your files. Make sure to regularly check for any signs of infection, such as unusual activity on your PC’s screens or weird changes to files. There are a  number of free tools available to do this, including antivirus software and online security scans.